Monday, September 04, 2006


Oh no Monday again....

Good morning, it is a beautiful Monday in Paradise. Most of the Blondes are back to work - have to recover from our weekends somewhere.........

Well here is some news for you Bathroom Blogging Blonde's mother really doesn't like her name. So, we will change it. Not sure yet to what, so for now The Nameless Blonde...... So Bathroom Blogging will now belong to Really Tall Blonde.

Want to know why??? Okay I'll tell you. We go out dancing often - no news there. Within 5 minutes of arriving The Blonde formerly knows as Really Tall will head to the bathroom! Let's backtrack just one little minute. First of all we just picked her up at her apartment. Of course, she was late! She was busy doing her hair and makeup. (personal pet pieve - I get my knickers completely in a knot when people are habitually late!) So, she just did her makeup - we arrive - she heads to the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup!!!! Then over the course of the evening, let's say 4 hours, she will return to the bathroom and the mirror at least 6 times!!!! I am pretty sure there is an entire social thing going on in there......LOL

So Nameless is in need of a name. We are accepting suggestions.......

Nameless has a new dance partner lately. Just interesting to note the poor guy also plays Soccer / Football - you know the game without padding and 11 guys on each side running around a field. Friday the poor guy smacked heads with an opponent - the other guys head was harder and our guy ended up with 8 stitches above his eye. As of Sunday it was a lovely purple colour and swollen.

Not to be outdone Nameless promptly wrecked herself too. After fighting with a seatbelt while attempting to exit my poor little car, she managed to inflict damage to her left arm. As of Sunday she has a beautiful and huge purple bruise on her arm. Poor baby. And should I tell you that Nameless is pretty fair skinned so it REALLY shows up.

I of course came up with a completely different version for how those bruises came about. None of which is true but entertaining.

We went down to the Malecon on Saturday and Sunday evenings for a live concert. We arrived Saturday believing it to be a free concert. Nope 100 pesos, more or less $3 US. There were lots of other people milling about debating going in or just upset over the price. Here 100 Pesos is a lot of money to most.

Off we went elsewhere to go dancing. Sunday we went back with a promise of good bands. We only paid 50 Pesos on Sunday. We got there, nice setup with stalls lining both sides of the roadway leading to a huge stage. Okay these stalls sell Brahma beer, Brugal rum and pop to mix. We didn't price the drinks as we were unsure if we would stay. Well the band playing was really really crappy reggaeton. Yuck. Then after much much blah blah blah by the boys on stage they set up for the next band. Oh NOOOOOOOOOO merengue tipico. No thank you.

Us four blondes decided this was not for us. Oh by the way, we were joined by another blonde - The blogging Brit blonde. She will guest blog once in a while.

We headed to La Canita, currently our favourite place. Nameless Blonde has promised an update on the bathroom - yes you heard it here first - they have a new mirror!!!!!

Sunday night is definately party night. The place was hopping. No matter what is happening though - 4 blondes making an entrance causes attention. There were no available tables but that was quickly rectified. We are known for being nice, polite and we tip well - no lack of service for us. A table and 4 chairs was quickly found and placed near the dance floor for us. Thanks boys.....

It was fun dancing last night. Well I had fun anyway. Nameless was worried about her friend who did not join us as he had a mojor headache. The blonde formerly knows as Really Tall just sat in her chair - I think maybe she didn't like her chair or something. Brit Blonde danced a bit but not much - not sure why.

I however worked off all my stress, my excess calories and had fun. My favourite salsa partner was there and we did our thing. So some background. NO he is not my boyfriend, he is my salsa partner, or one of them. He has a girlfriend, well actually more then one.....LOL If one is in town I dont' get to dance with him because (according to him) they are jealous. Whatever.... I just want to dance.

I have to tell you about going to the Soccer / football game. On Sunday afternoon Nameless and I were invited to go watch a game. This takes place near downtown in the Deportivo. They have quite a nice field and bleachers that are partly shaded. We were told the game started at 3pm. Have I explained the concept of Dominican Time yet??? Well here is how it works:

3 pm some players and others hanging around in the bleachers, looks like they had been there for awhile.
3: 05 we arrive
3:15 the person who invited us arrives
3:30 we chat with everyone around us including the organizer (term used very loosely )
3:40 we ask is this game going to start anytime soon? Answer - yes in about 10 minutes. Debate ensues regarding Dominican vs American minutes....
3:55 males in uniform take the field to "warm up" Like that is necessary we are thinking, it is 89 F in the shade.
4:10 they start competitions - guy stuff like who can bounce the ball on their head the longest...........sheeeeeesh
4:12 two guys behind us offer us a drink of straight rum! We decline most graciously. I"d be conked out.
4:25 Looks like they might be done. Now what?
4:40 WOW they game starts!
5:00 the guy who invited us - mister smacked up head - has to go home, he had a massive headache from the heat and cracked head.
5:10 We leave having seen the first 1/2

Apparently there is a really important game on Tuesday night at 5:30. Nameless doesn't get off work till about 6:30 or 6:45 - so we should be right on time!!!

Until next time.

So that's what they call it down there.. a "Salsa Partner".. gee the fun you are having makes life in Alberta seem pretty plain and dull, even considering the two-stepping that goes on up here.. have fun!
I can totally identify with time spent in the bathroom preparing, checking, repairing...

Here are my tips from my research:

How to apply makeup in 10 Minutes.

MAC for a Blonde: Gentlemen do marry blondes

Hair Tips

History of Blondes 101


Dr. Blonde
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