Saturday, January 27, 2007


We got tagged

We got tagged by Chiri some time ago. So here is the first installment of:

5 Things About Me: Dr. Blonde

Five things about me

1. Although I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 2 years of age, occasionally (once every 3-4 years or so) I will eat a few strips of very well cooked, crispy bacon.

2. I’m Shiah, member of one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam. I was raised a Roman Catholic and Joan is my confirmation name, however I converted to Islam at the request of my then husband’s family. Six years after I was married, I had my marriage retroactively solemnized so that my daughter’s birth would be legitimate in the eyes of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I have an Iranian birth certificate that states I was born in St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada. He would have been better off getting a bride from this Web site. My Islamic name is Soraiya. When I converted to Islam, I spent several hours reading the Koran to find a suitable name. I chose Ra’hela (Rachel) the name of Jacob’s wife, the son Isaac, Grandson son of Abraham, the mother of Yousef and Benjamin all linked to Abraham the patriarch of Judaism, Islam and Christianity mentioned in Genesis and the Koran. I thought it was an interesting link to three world religions with rich mythologies. I like stories and great myths. The mullah didn’t like this name because is means “has the shoulders of a camel”. So he claimed. How the hell should I know, and was I in any position to contradict him? I told him I read it in the Koran. He was flabbergasted. I said that it was perfect. He said,”No, Soraiya is better.” So... now I am Soraiya. It was an important lesson for me, in power and the place of women. I needed two witnesses for that second marriage; but women only count as half a person in the Islamic code. So I had one man and two women at my second marriage. Funny thing is, I don’t even think Soraiya is a Muslim name, I think it’s Persian.

3. I ran 2 half-marathons eights weeks apart. In a Blonde world, 2 halves make a whole.

4. I lived in Moscow for 5 months while I studied political economy, philosophy and Russian. It’s a long story, but I had a rebel youth.

5. Now for something really salacious for Chiri. I had a boyfriend who was 18 years younger. He was Chilean and he told me “what difference does a little age difference make?” But he had no idea about that little difference, he thought I was a lot younger. And when I found out about his own rebel youth, I threw away all my reservations and we had a meeting of the minds so to speak. It lasted a year. We broke up, we made up, we broke up, we made up, we broke up. It was the high school experience I never had. And guess what! He’s calling me, we’re talking. He’s wining me, dining me and giving me that look again. Aie! Where are all my self-help books, never lend your books to your friends!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Random thoughts - man buffet

Random thoughts from Dancing Blonde:

The other night I was out dancing - stop it you people - I know you are not surprised by that statement.

So this woman was on the dance floor, nicely dressed, having a good time. When she left I noticed her bra was showing in the back. Sooooooooooooo being a fashionista (is that a real word?) I stood up and adjusted her look. Well she thanked me profusely.

5 minutes later she was back. She thanked me again, asked where I was from, how long have I been here, do I speak a lot of Spanish, how do I like the country???? It was so nice to open up that kind of instant dialogue. It reminded me of why I love living here! The people are really warm and friendly if you treat them with courtesy and respect and accept who they are. She did not care that I am white, that I am foreign etc. I did something considerate for her and she both appreciated it and was interested enough to talk to me.

This reminds me of another instance, Larimar Blonde this time. We were, once again out dancing, and somehow this guy ended up at our table. We weren't too impressed with him and I immediately took a dislike to him. But both of us sensed this man had power.

We tried our best to avoid him but not antagonize him. Larimar got stuck dancing with him but ended it quickly. Later this man left the table. Immediately a local woman came and joined Larimar at the table to warn her that this man is dangerous and to stay away from him.

Again, it is a departure from other places. It was a caring and considerate thing that was done.

Man Buffet:

Several weeks ago Larimar and Dancing Blonde went out dancing on what we thought was a regular Friday night. Nope nope nope..... not regular at all. We were at the MAN BUFFET!!! Wow.......... I have never seen so many men and so FEW women in a club (well except maybe a stripper bar - don't even ask how I know that) Neither of us was feeling all that well. I looked at Larimar and said: I better get better real quick........... Larimar turned into a bloody dancing machine. I've never seen her dance soooooooooo much. By the time we went home we were both exhausted.

We were joined by MR.X who's name is changed to protect the innocent. That would be us by the way as it can't possibly be him... Right CRASH??? We do love him though. Well Mr. X, was a head turning machine. He was amazed and used a term I have only heard from one other person! Yes Mr. V, he used your word: He called the girls - HOOTCHIMAMAS........ Larimar and I were rolling on the floor laughing. And it does not matter that this is a correct term, it was funny.

Here is what happened to Larimar today:

Thought I would share my experience with the police today. I got stopped in a routine check, they wanted the paperwork for my car and my licence. Well I have a photocopy of my licence, which I was advised to do, anyhow he told me that my licence is only valid for 3 months after I get here, I told him the original licence was at my lawyer's office, he asked me to phone my lawyer, I told him the office was closed because it was Sunday. He was surprized that I did not have an emergency contact number for my lawyer. I then offered him 200 pesos, about $6. He was holding all of my paperwork and looking at his partner who had another car stopped behind me.

After a few more minutes of me speaking spanish and trying to get out of this, he came to the passenger side of my car, motioned for me to unlock it, and he got in. We drove for about 4 blocks, to the next major intersection, he put out his hand for the money and handed me my paperwork, and told me to have a nice day.

Now, after telling Dancing Blonde this, she told me to play stupid, not to speak more spanish than is necessary, and never let them get into my vehicle, they have guns. Anyhow, lesson learned, and now I know how to handle this next time.

Larimar's Random Thoughts

The 3 year old who could not go to play school because he did not have clean underwear.

Office life here: lady who makes fresh juices everyday, delivers coffee, water, whatever, eating lunch outside. The man who cleans and details my car every couple of weeks, but does the boss’s car every day.

Grocery stores, the smell of the salted fish or whatever it is - major eeeeyuckkkkk, open liquor while you shop a well as fruit not sold by weight, take the package or the banana peel with you, they will charge you 4 to 5 pesos when you get to the till. Beer tasting: free tastings of beer and wine create lineups going into the aisle and being sworn at. Not sure if we are in their way or they want a taste.

Driving, not as scary as I originally thought, once you get used to the motorcycles / pasolas, etc. the roads leave a little to be desired right now, but you can practice all kinds of evasive action maneuvers. Talk about defensive driving..........

Pasola’s decorated with photos of family, self or some other fancy work. These also need to be washed and cleaned, minimum of an hour or is required for this task.

May lose my big toenail on the other foot, thanks to a girl in wooden heals in the bathroom on New Year’s eve, she did not realize from the look of excruciating pain on my face that she was standing on my foot, and I did not want to push her or yell at her in close quarters of the bathroom. *** note from Dancing Blonde - being Canadian Larimar is always polite! Next time thump her!

That is all for now.......... thanks for all your comments.......


Dancing, Holidays, Fiestas, Parties (okay work too)

It has been an especially busy time for us blondes. You know there is sooooo much pressure on us party loving blondes, during holiday season it is even more so. Holiday season here in Paradise, also known as the Dominican Republic, is a long drawn out affair.

A little background for you: in this country everyone in the public and private sectors is entitled to a 13th pay cheque. Kind of a cool idea isn’t it? It is equivalent to one month income if you have worked a full year or 1/12 of the annual if you haven’t been there the whole year.
And guess when you get it??? Yup – right before Christmas. It is like forced savings without any hassles. Except of course if you own the company and then December can be a little uncomfortable. It is mandated that it must be paid out by the 20th of December. So my friends party time starts before the 20th.

Here the last holiday of the “Christmas Season” is on January 6th – today. It is the day of the 3 kings and this is historically when gifts are given to the kids.

The season here starts around the 15th or so of December and runs to about January 8th. Yup you can go dancing every single night…………. Wow. Dancing Blonde – yours truly – was a happy girl. Except that bloody work keeps interfering. What a pain in my little blonde butt…… I digress, sorry.

Anytime that the rum is flowing a good time is sure to be had by all. But it isn’t just about dancing and parties, it is also about Family and Community. This is one of the draws to this country. Christmas here is celebrated on Christmas Eve. Big big big family and community dinner. My friends W&M are always invited to the family celebration of their landlady. A feast!!!! I am sure W put on 5 pounds that night alone. And of course “cena” or dinner is eaten quite late normally. It is a grand feast with copious amounts of food, drinks and fun to be had.

Christmas day by contrast is much quieter – yeah right. That is the day you rest in the morning, spend time with family and then hit the “car wash” by about 2pm. You can dance all day here if you want to………. It’s great.

New Years Eve was another eye opener for us. Dancing Blonde and Larimar Blonde were dateless! OH my goodness. Not to be left out of the partying we put on our very best frocks and hit the town. Much to our surprise it was fairly quiet! The club – Terraza Caribe was about 2/3 full. Not a great crowd but we were having fun anyway. Can I just mention that no one but us were in our good frocks???? Tight jeans, short glitzy tops were the uniform for the women. We kind of stand out anyway but even more so that night………. No problem for us blondes, just another night in paradise.

Well midnight came and I almost missed it! Go figure, there is no count down – nada. All of a sudden everyone is hugging and kissing! Not fair so we found several men to kiss so we would feel included. Okay, confession time, they found us……

Then let me tell you within 20 minutes that club was full to bursting! Yup, the people here treasure family. They saw in the New Year with their family and then hit the bricks to make their way out dancing. Within the hour it was just a rocking………

We left at 2:30 and found out next day it went until 7 am! And they re opened at 10 am for another round. Yes folks we danced again on New Years Day. This time, jeans and tight glitzy tops for us too.......

Do you want to know what my resolution is:

1. You guessed it: Dance More!!!!

Alright, it is one of several.

2. Look after myself better – I have had bouts of pneumonia that are not fun.

3. Eat more regularly ( I forget to eat )

4. Spend more time blogging (honest)

5. Continue to give back to this country I love so much.

Larimar Blonde has some resolutions too, but I don’t know what they are so I am going to make them up:

1. Dance More
2. Blog More.
3. Learn to Bachatta (This is a dance)
4. Bake banana bread more often for Dancing Blonde!

Here is my new motto for 2007, thanks to my good friend Tanya for sending it to me.

If :
you learn to translate every event of your life, into a positive experience,
You will stop being a prisoner of your past
Become the designer of your future!

To each and every reader, I hope 2007 is exactly what you want and need it to be. On behalf of all blondes everywhere (but especially those here) I wish you:
peace, joy, good health, prosperity and most of all FUN.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Long Lost Blog

I am on a roll!!! Dancing Blonde is having no luck at all with this blogging.......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Some time ago Doctor Blonde sent me a blog. I posted it.

Apparently it went into Blog Heaven and didn't make it to cyberspace.

So this morning I redid the whole bloody thing, just as I was about to post it - lost our connection. Thank you so very much Verizon!!!

Let's try again (not to self - save drafts more often - LIKE RIGHT NOW)

Here is what the Doctor had to say:

I’m not coming to Puerto Plata girls but I’ll be there in spirit and I hope you’ll take lots of pictures and post them. Here in Toronto, it appears as though we’ll have a green Christmas. I was out raking leaves off my green lawn the other day. (Yeah, I know most people do that in October! LOL.) I wish it was truly green as in a little more money, and I would be down there getting into the holiday spirit with you. I’ll be spending my two weeks at home. I’m thankful that I have my own home, a lovely daughter, and a faithful dog (4-legged one LOL), and some interesting dance partners.

I have to tell you a little story about the DR Blonde blog and how it enriched my life with friendship. It started with a sarcastic comment on one of posts. (I would give you a link, but (with a wink to Chiri) that’s rocket science in this Blonde world!) But if you go back to the beginning, there you’ll see a comment “Are you real blondes or bleached?” I was ticked off by that comment (never ask a woman those incredibly personal things). I could see a little image of the author with a link. I was curious and I followed it. It took me to some other Dominican blog authored by the heckler. I left my own sarcastic comment about his interest in cars. And he replied that it was obvious from our blog that we were real blondes. And he also suggested I should get a sanky. Well I’m very sensitive and I wrote him an email with one sentence “You’re mean.” (A very blonde response LOL) He apologized; I forgave him.

So our friendship began with this blog. He told me a little about his first love a Canadian girl that he met at a Catskill summer camp in his youth. I sent him a link to that camp. I visited his blogs and read his posts, one day they disappeared. Maybe he accidentally deleted them; he had to create another blog and start from scratch. I found his lost posts cached on a Google server and he restored them. Since that time we’ve had many conversations over the Internet about life, family, work, friends, dengue, politics, about the Metro, Haitians, and racism, cooking, and music. You name it, we’ve discussed. I ask him questions about DR, trying to figure out if I could adapt to that country. He’s a very patriotic Dominican and once you get him started on the Dominican Republic, he’s on a roll. Sometimes we just say “hello” and “have a great day”. Of course you know that when a Dominican man says “hello”, he blows kisses and calls you “mi amor.” That’s not a bad way to start the day, here in Toronto! It was through the DR that I discovered this wonderful Dominican friend. I may never meet Luima, but really I’m thankful to have found his friendship through a link to this one. Thanks, Dancing blonde for making it possible. Feliz Navidad to all the DR Blondes!

** here is the website of the individual she is referring to: Beware it is in Spanish....

I am working on a fairly long blog to get you all up to date!!!!!

On another note - we are FAMOUS............ yeah. Check out

We made the newscast..... yeah.......

Until next time..

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