Thursday, November 09, 2006
Update and a big bitch!
Hi again. There seems to always be so much to say and not enough time to sit and write it all out......... I (dancing blonde) have not mastered the fine art of short but sweet blogs......
My friend Chiri has. She lives in Santo Domingo and has a blog. I have been promising for weeks to add a link to her blog as she did with this one. I can now announce that she is the first link I have added. A round of applause for the at times technically challenged blonde......
Now that I have said that, I certainly hope the bloody thing works.
So we have been doing our usual here in Paradise - dancing, working, living....... Work is very good. Larimar blonde changed jobs but I will let her tell you all about that. NOW she will have some time to blog. Dancing blonde is working working working..... Really tall blonde is not working, never was while here. Blonde Brit works too hard for too little money. Hopefully this will soon change! Dr. Blonde - hmmmm I am pretty sure she works hard and plays hard. We have not had an update from her in a while......
Long Distance blonde is coming to visit in like 10 more sleeps. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH She also loves to dance so she will have lots to say as well about our nights out.
There has been a great deal of progress on our construction here in Puerto Plata. Our main street was all torn up - new sewer drainage going in - new fresh water piping going in - major road repairs and then we hope some day to get new paving too..... We have had months and months of the main street being torn up. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the way the work was conducted! Driving down the road was and is an obstacle course! At night it is damn dangerous. The only thing marking big holes - big enough to swallow my little car - is these small cans of fuel lit on fire! Ahhhhhhhhhhh And I swear they have torn the same part of the road up 4 separate times. I have no idea why. Now we have a never ending stream of dump trucks and digger trucks and worker guys.... Hmmm now some of that is pretty nice to look at on the way by....LOL
I will post some photos in the next couple of days. I now know how to do that really well!!!
Now for a major BITCH session! There are several of us blondes who live here and have for some years. We also know others who live here. Many of us behave in a reasonably dignified manner. Here society judges you by the way you behave and who you associate with!
When foreign women who either come here on vacation, come for several months, who have just moved here or who have lived her for some time and just don't give a damn - behave badly, like sluts or like make out queens - they give all of us a bad reputation. WE ARE JUDGED BY HOW YOU BEHAVE. And we don't like it.
Let me give you some examples:
I know more then one female who lives down here, is married and has more then one other boyfriend - sleeping companion when the husband is not around! At least be discreet.
How about the woman / women who arrive at local bars and proceed to stand on the dance floor, or sit in the open and suck face , snog, kiss, tonsil tangle, swap spit with their sankie boyfriends.
How about the foreign woman who wants to get up and dance like a slut in front of everyone else, all by herself and all about attention. Don't even think to tell us - well the local girls do it..... You are not a local and never will be.
These women set an example for the locals to view. Many many people come here and behave badly, all of us are labled as being the same. It is hard enough to fit in, assimilate, be taken seriously when you behave that way.
At least use a little discretion. Take it to the back corner of the bar. Save the striptease for the bedroom and for god's sake show some self control with multiple men!
All of us foreigners are not the same. When you come here and behave badly and set a bad example you make life more difficult for the rest of us. Have your fun but give a seconds thought to how you look!
Now I am finished with that. I had to get it out of my system. Last weekend I wanted to hide - there were multiple examples of bad behaviour. I understand spanish and I know what was being said about these women!
Last night we went out dancing. It was really very quiet as we are between paydays, just after a long weekend and approaching the holiday season here. A few details, Monday past was Constitution day. A holiday long weekend so extra partying. Payday here is generally the 15th and 30th but all governent workers get paid on the 26th. And in December all workers - by law- get an extra months pay or portion thereof based on duration of employment. So, many are either broke from the weekend or until the next paycheck or saving their partying for the start of the holiday season. Another note - holiday celebrations start around Dec 15 and continue until Jan 10! Every night there is somewhere to dance.....
So last night was quiet but okay.
Our weather is back to fantastic! We get the occasional late afternoon, evening thunderstorm but the bad rains are gone - for now at least. It is hot and humid once again.
Last Saturday Larimar and Dancing blondes went to Long Beach to catch some rays. The beach has been newly renovated with nice white sand being brought in from another part of the county....
For now I am off.